The international field workshop «Cryptogams of North Asia» ...

Book of proceedings of the international field workshop «Cryptogams of North Asia»
Conference Date: September 4-9, 2018
Conference Venue: Russia, Irkutsk - Khamar - Daban Range
Всероссийская полевая школа–конференция с международным участием для молодых ученых
«Криптогамная биота Северной Азии»
Сборник материалов всероссийской полевой школе–конференции с международным участием для молодых ученых «Криптогамная биота Северной Азии»
Дата проведения: 4-9 сентября 2018 г.
Место проведения: Иркутск, хребет Хамар-Дабан
Comparative characteristics of the European and Asian Arctic cyanoprokaryotes floras
p. 1-2; D.A. Davydovfull text / abstract
Studies of terrestrial algae in the Baikal region
p. 3-7; I.N. Egorova1, E.N. Maksimova2, G.S. Shambueva1full text / abstract
Bryophytes in Red Data Book of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
p. 8-9; V.G. Isakova, E.I. Ivanova, E.V. Sofronovafull text / abstract
The degree of knowledge of the moss flora of the Altai-Sayan highlands and the western part of the Baikal highlands
p. 10-12; S.G. Kazanovsky1, E.S. Prelovskaya1, O.Yu. Pisarenko2, N.V. Dudareva1full text / abstract
Changes in the composition of the alpine lichen heaths moss cover with an increase of the mineral nutrition availability
p. 13-15; D.E. Koltysheva, V.E. Fedosovfull text / abstract
Briological studies in Northern Koryakia (Koryakskiy District, Kamchatka Territory)
p. 16-17; E.Yu. Kuzminafull text / abstract
Comparative analysis of molecular markers for identification of green microalgae (Chlorophyta)
p. 18-19; N.V. Kulakova1, I.N. Egorova2full text / abstract
Current issues of scientific and methodological support of training programs on forest quarantine
p. 20-25; T.I. Morozova, N.S. Berezhnayafull text / abstract
p. 26-27; R.E. Romanovfull text / abstract